Thursday, May 5, 2016

Traveling around South America ~ Colombia

Hola!! First graders went a place in South America called Colombia. This place is known by the amazing coffee:) Our first graders played a game called Bandera which is about build a bandera with the colors tokens. They di

d an amazing job!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Third Graders `` Las Islas Galapagos y su Criatura Mountruosa

Our third graders are finishing up with their unit of Isala Galapagos located in Ecuador. As their final work they decided to create a monsters which would be the combination of all the animals who live in this wonderful place. Please give it a look:)

Second Graders Traveling on April

As our journey around Europe starts, we grab our "PASAPORTES''

and travel to Spain. Second graders are working very hard to finish up their passports in order to go to their adventure around the wonderful country of Spain.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Bienveido al nuevo Año 2016 ~ 3 grado Las Islas Galapagos


New year menas new folder. Our third graders are working hard on their Islas Galapagos new Folder where we are going to collect evidence about Islas Galapagos in Ecuador, South America. This is our first try. Please give it a look.

Bienvenidos al nuevo Año 2016 ~ Animales en la granja y demas

Hi!! Welcome to second grade. We are learning a new vocabulary related to animals in the farm. Mrs. Fountain is using books and creating a story with us. We worked really hard on our story abook about La Finca y el Pollito. Please make a look.

Bienvenidos al Nuevo Año 2016 `~ La Frutas y Verduras

Welcome to 2016! Our first graders are learning about fruits and vegetables in Spanish. We are using our knowledge to play Bingo and create our dishes. Please look our favorite game: Find the Fruta o vegetal en Espanol.